Round out your existing 9-1-1 efforts or establish them in your new markets using PDR's expert information and services:
 Information Management Essential 9-1-1 information for the United States.
Call Center 9-1-1SM
Save Time and Money. The experts in PSAP information and relationships, PDR saves its clients time and money. As your markets continue to expand and opportunities arise, you need to concentrate on your core business - communications.
PDR takes the lengthy, costly, error-prone work off your hands. With its nationwide coverage of accurate and continually up-to-date PSAP information, PDR is your gateway to the 9-1-1 community.
Lowering the Barriers. As your big
opportunities present themselves, so do big challenges. Among them is your requirement to perform functions relating to 9-1-1 services. More than just
an information repository, PDR has the expertise, experience and contacts to help get you into business quickly, accurately, and easily. We
lower the barriers to market entry
by helping you know whom to talk to and giving you the
accurate and current information
you need.
Your complete 9-1-1 solution...